ACLU Sues on Behalf of Fired Arkansas Librarian | Censorship News

The lawsuit claims the Arkansas librarian lost her job after being targeted by a group wanting book restrictions; Texas county commissioners fire a library director and put a judge in charge; South Carolina board of education removes four more books from all schools; and more in censorship news.

ACLU Sues on Behalf of Arkansas Librarian Fired After Opposing Book Censorship Effort | The Guardian
Patty Hector lost her job after being targeted by a campaign urging restriction of books with race and LGBTQIA+ themes.

Texas County Commissioners Terminate Library Director, Put County Judge in Charge | Houston Public Media
Since Rhea Young became director of the Montgomery County, TX, library system in 2022, she was instructed to add more conservative-themed books to the shelves; and an age restriction was placed on materials perceived to be sexually explicit. County commissioners also created a citizen-led book review board.

South Carolina Board of Education Removes Handful of Books from Public Schools for Sexual Content | WIS10
The four books removed for violating the regulation were: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson, Flamer by Mike Curato, and Push by Sapphire. The two books the state decided to retain were: Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes and House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros.

New Mexico Bill Aims to Stop Libraries from Banning Books Based on Politics, Ideology | New Mexico Political Report
A bill aimed at protecting public libraries from politically charged book ban attempts is making its way through the Roundhouse. HB 27, the Librarian Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Kathleen Cates, D-Rio Rancho, seeks to prohibit public libraries from getting state funding unless they adopt a policy prohibiting the removal of books or other materials based on partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

Former Colorado Middle School Dean Alleges She was Fired for Protesting District’s Book Ban as Racist | Colorado Hometown Weekly
LeEllen Condry filed state, federal discrimination charges against the Elizabeth School District in Elbert County.

A Florida Episcopal Priest Leads the Local Fight Against Challenged and Banned Books | WFSU
This week a Florida judge dismissed a lawsuit that would have allowed parents to challenge a school district’s decision to remove a school library book. The move comes as the Trump Administration is dismissing 11 complaints against school districts for that. But there was a bit of push-back in Tallahassee Thursday night. Susan Gage, an Episcopal priest, assembled a group of authors to read selections from challenged and banned books at the Req Room on Monroe Street.

Florida Judge Rules Against Book Ban-Opposed Parents Alleging Censorship, Discrimination | Tallahassee Democrat
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit accusing the Florida government of discriminating against those opposed to the surge of school library book removals across the state. A 2023 law and its implementing regulations created a state process for parents to appeal when a school board decides to keep their challenged books on the shelves. But that process doesn't extend to parents who want to contest a school board's decision to remove a book. Parents of public school students sued, arguing to U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor that the inconsistency violated the First Amendment, penalizing them based on viewpoint.

Meet the Pittsburgh-Area Student Fighting to Keep Access to Books in her School | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Elise Duckworth has been pushing against possible policies that would restrict books in her Pine-Richland School District.

What’s Missing from Utah’s Banned Books List? Librarians say It’s Common Sense | The Park Record
‘Sensitive material’ causes a stir in the wake of Utah’s banned books list.

US Department of Education Says Forsyth County Schools No Longer Have to Act on Book Bans | WSB Radio
The US Department of Education says Forsyth County (GA) schools no longer have to act on book bans from the Office of Civil Rights and has dismissed eleven federal book ban complaints. A civil rights case came out of a ban of eight books from Forsyth County schools. Superintendent Mitch Young said some adjustments had already been made in the processing of reviewing books for school media centers, but the case remained in the office of civil rights.

Minnesota District Board Votes to Remove Inclusive Poster Series | KARE11
The Lakeville (MN) Public School District Board voted to remove the district's "Inclusive Poster Series" Tuesday night. The series has been the subject of litigation for several years.


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